Sunday, February 5, 2012

सपना अधुरै छ

शनिबारको कान्तिपुरमा बिदाइ भएर जाने लडाकुका निराशापूर्ण कथा छापिएका छन् । नयाँ र सुन्दर नेपाल बनाउने सपनाका साथ वर्षौं लडेका र त्योभन्दा पनि अप्ठ्यारो समयमा गाह्रोसाह्रो सहँदै भयानक अनिश्चितता र अपमानका बाबजुद पनि अनुशासित रूपमा ५ वर्षसम्म क्यानटोनमेन्टमा बसेका उनीहरू निराशा र अपमानसहित नै बिदाइ भएका छन् । राजनीतिक नेतृत्वको अदूरदर्शिताले पाउनुसम्म दुःख पाएर त्यही नेतृत्वबाट उधारो सपनाको भारी लिएर उनीहरू बिदाइ भएका छन् । अगाडिको बाटो अनिश्चित छ। तर जसले जे भने पनि उनीहरूको ५ वर्षसम्मको धैर्य हेर्दा अधिकांश लडाकु शान्तिपूर्ण र अनुशासितजीवन बाँच्नेछन् भन्नेमा विश्वस्त हुन सकिन्छ । जाँदाजाँदै उनीहरूलाई भन्न चाहन्छुनयाँ र सुन्दर नेपाल बनाउने सपना हाम्रा पनि हुन्जुन पूरा भएका छैनन् । यी साझा सपना पूरा गर्न मिलेर काम गरौं ।
इन्द्रध्वज क्षेत्री

As the melancholic condition in which the homegoing Maoist combatants are left with, I thought it important to empathize with these people and wrote a letter to the editor which was published in Kantipur Daily (Feb 5, 2012).

Friday, February 3, 2012

A humiliating goodbye

As I read in the newspapers that the Maoist combatants finally are being sent home from the cantonments, I am feeling bad for them. Their dreams are yet to be fulfilled. They have lived the most difficult life in the cantonments with humiliation, boredom and uncertainty. Now a heavily bargained cheque is telling them that this is the reward for all the hardships you've gone through in these 10-15 years. Pathetic. And more pathetic is that there is nobody to speak for them, let alone empathize.
They are trying to give a message also for the future that anybody whoever takes part in rebellions will have same fate. It is ridiculously sad. I hope and believe that those discharged will embrace a peaceful and fruitful life yet won't leave the movement as it hasn't reached success and also that the Maoist leadership behaves more responsibly to the scapegoats still remaining in the cantonments waiting uncertainly for the humiliating 'integration'.
Also Read my article that I wrote when these combatants were gathering to embrace the life in cantonments. A Day With the Maoist Army

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Motorcycle diary: An accidental adventure

Absent-mindedly we chose to take the Daman way while coming to Kathmandu from Hetauda. Initially, we had planned to come through Kulekhani and Dakshinkali. But as I stopped in Bhainse, 9km from Hetauda to Kathmandu, for a cup of tea, I happened to stop it turning towards Daman way. Without thinking much, we took the Daman way after having a salty tea at Bhainse.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

भारतको बिकास र प्रगतीको रहस्य

भारतले अंगालेको उदार आर्थिक व्यवस्थाको निरपेक्ष समर्थन गर्ने उदारवादीहरुले त्यहाँको प्रगतिलाई ठुलो उपलब्धिको रुपमा लिन्छन् भने शास्त्रीय समाजवादी वा कम्युनिष्टहरुले तीव्र रुपमा भइरहेको भारतको आर्थिक वृद्धिले ग्रामीण र गरीब जनसंख्यालाई छुन नसकेको र छिट्टै त्यो आन्तरिक द्धन्द्धमा पर्ने भविष्यवाणी गर्ने गरेका छन् । त्यो खाडल दिल्ली वा मुम्बईमा सत्य पनि देखिन्छ कि त्यहाँ गरीव र धनीबिचको खाडल बढीरहेको छ र गरीबहरुको जीवनस्तर घट्दै गैरहेको छ । यो सत्य हेर्न एकपटक भारतको ग्रामीण र पहाडी क्षेत्र घुम्न जाने इच्छा थियो । संयोगवश केही महिनाअघि पश्चिम भारतको उत्तराखण्डका केही गाउँहरु घुम्ने अवसर मिल्यो । त्यहाँ घुमिरहँदा भने मेरो मानस पटलमा भारतको ग्रामीण समुदायको जुन चित्र बनेको थियो, त्योभन्दा बिल्कुल भिन्न अनुभव हुन पुग्यो ।

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tour on Bangladesh Hills

People mostly believe Bangladesh is the country of plains.True. However, there are wonderfully beautiful hills in its eastern districts bordering with India and Myanmar. These are relatively very young hills, maybe one of the youngest in Asia. Huge diversity of flora and fauna found here just enchants anybody. Looking from the distance, it looks like a dense forest. As we go closer, people are living. Here we can see how close the nature and the people can live in harmony.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holy River in Kathmandu Becoming Sewer

The Bagmati is a river sacred to Hindus everywhere, flowing from Bagdwar on the northern hills of the Kathmandu valley through the heart of the city. It used to be a source of livelihood for people, fauna and flora living in the valley and downstream. It is still thought of as a holy place for cremations, especially the Aryaghat cremation site. Thousands of people throng to Pashupatinath, with the hope of taking a dip in the river and drinking Jala (Sacred Water) from it.

A Day With the Maoist Army

Nov. 21, the government and the Maoists were set to sign the much awaited peace accord. The accord was much awaited because only this would formally end the Maoist violence in Nepal.

All the people were keenly watching the developments in the capital. My colleagues were also urging me not to miss the special signing function. Surely, it would have been an opportunity in the life of a journalist to attend the ceremony, because very few in very few countries ever get the privilege to attend an event where a government and former rebels declare that they have formally denounced war and will opt for peaceful politics.